Rainbow Saison 1 Episode 25 en streaming vf et vostfr

Dernier episode selectionne : Episode 25
Image Rainbow

1955 : dans un Japon d’après-guerre en pleine reconstruction, sept jeunes adolescents se retrouvent propulsés dans l’univers carcéral de la maison de correction Shio. Tombés dans la délinquance afin de survivre dans un pays où la situation actuelle laisse les plus faibles de côté, c’est une nouvelle lutte pour leur existence qui se présente à eux dans cet enfer de béton. Face aux abus incessants des adultes, l’amitié et la solidarité seront leurs seules armes pour pouvoir espérer ressortir indemnes et atteindre les rêves qu’ils se sont tous promis de réaliser.

  • ddl-franchVF
Turtle goes to collect the debt for the old man. Mario and Lily search for Turtle to tell him about the doctor. Turtle returns, with the deliquent loanee. Mario and Lily take him to the American doctor for his check-up. Mario realizes that Turtle and Lily both unknowingly considered each other as family. After dropping him off, Lily leaves to take care of some things. Lily asks the old man not to lend Turtle the money, knowing that he wanted it to grant her dream. Lily offers herself to him instead, trying to get him to rescind the deal with Turtle. A week later, Turtle continues to worry about Lily, who has yet to return. He instead offers to have her be his housekeeper, rather than having her further degrade herself.
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