Rainbow Saison 1 Episode 9 en streaming vf et vostfr

Dernier episode selectionne : Episode 9
Image Rainbow

1955 : dans un Japon d’après-guerre en pleine reconstruction, sept jeunes adolescents se retrouvent propulsés dans l’univers carcéral de la maison de correction Shio. Tombés dans la délinquance afin de survivre dans un pays où la situation actuelle laisse les plus faibles de côté, c’est une nouvelle lutte pour leur existence qui se présente à eux dans cet enfer de béton. Face aux abus incessants des adultes, l’amitié et la solidarité seront leurs seules armes pour pouvoir espérer ressortir indemnes et atteindre les rêves qu’ils se sont tous promis de réaliser.

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After hearing about the escape, Nurse Setsuko encounters Turtle and gives him directions to an unused farmhouse, where they can hide and treat Sakuragi. Setsuko brings medicine, food and clothing, committed to keeping a promise she made to Mario. At the school, Uncovered, Soldier, and Cabbage are put in solitary and Ishihara subjects them to the same water torture he used on Sakuragi. Sakuragi regains consciousness and asks them to return to the school. Later, Dr. Sasaki and Ishihara are shocked when Joe returns, and they attempt to intimidate him. They're confidence quickly turns to horror when Joe reveals that he knows about their involvement in Ei'ichi's suicide. He also reveals that Sakuragi has Ei'ichi's suicide note, which could send Sasaki and Ishihara to prison. Using this information as leverage, Joe gets Cabbage, Soldier, and Uncovered released from solitary and they are no longer beaten or abused. Sakuragi continues to heal while Mario practices boxing. In the market one day, Mario and Turtle meet a woman who is promoting boxing matches at a nearby American army base. Mario enters a boxing match with an American boxer and is completely overwhelmed by the man's size and power. After the match, the promoter woman, Lilly, gives Turtle and Mario money and tells Mario to get stronger. Shamed, Mario resolves to pay Lilly back ten times over.
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